The to find command is used to look and find information and directories in line with specified stipulations reminiscent of document call, dimension, amendment date, and different attributes. You’ll use it to look thru your whole document machine or inside of a particular listing.

It’s usually utilized by machine directors and common customers to temporarily find information, particularly in programs with a lot of information. Whether or not you’re on the lookout for a misplaced report or want to carry out bulk operations on a suite of information that meet positive standards, the to find command will also be an very important software in managing and organizing your document machine.

Normal syntax for to find command:

$ to find [OPTIONS] [PATH...] [EXPRESSION]
1. Seek for particular document in a listing
to find ./ExampleDir -name instance.txt 

With the -name parameter, this command will try to seek for a instance.txt throughout the ExampleDir listing; and if discovered, will go back trail to the document.

2. In finding and listing information of identical extension
to find ./dirname -name *.txt

This command will seek, throughout the ExampleDir listing, all information finishing with the extension .txt. If discovered, every outcome will likely be returned in a brand new line.

3. In finding and listing empty information and empty sub-directories
to find ./ExampleDir -empty

This command, with the -empty parameter, will to find and listing all empty information and empty sub-folders within the ExampleDir folder.

Definition of empty document being 0 bytes filesize, and empty folder being no information or information with 0 bytes.

4. In finding and listing information that include particular textual content
to find ./ExampleDir -type f -name "*.txt" -exec grep 'Instance'  {} ;

This command searches for the phrase/string “Instance” inside of information with the extension .txt inside of ExampleDir dierctory.

./ExampleDir/file1.txt:That is an Instance line in file1.
./ExampleDir/subdir/file2.txt:Some other Instance in a distinct document.
./ExampleDir/file3.txt:Instance utilization of the to find command.
5. In finding and listing information and sub-directories personal by way of particular consumer
to find ./ExampleDir -user ubuntu

This command, with the -user parameter, will to find information and sub-directories owned by way of Ubuntu consumer in ExampleDir listing. If discovered, the filename(s) will likely be returned.

Within the following pattern ls -l outcome:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 newone ubuntu 20 Jan 27 06:24 instance.txt

newone represents organization call, and ubuntu is the consumer.

6. In finding and listing information and sub-directories personal by way of particular organization
to find ./ExampleDir -group ubuntu

This command, with the -group paramter, will to find all information and sub-directories owned by way of Ubuntu organization in ExampleDir listing. If discovered, the filename(s) will likely be returned.

Extra Linux instructions:
Listing Operations rmdir · cd · pwd
Document Operations cat · cp · dd · much less · ls · mkdir · mv · tail · tar · zip
Document Machine Operations chown · mkfs
Networking ping · curl · wget · iptables
Seek and Textual content Processing to find · grep · sed · whatis
Machine Data and Control env · historical past · best · who
Consumer and Consultation Control display · su · sudo

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