Internet construction has come a ways from the early days of static, single-page private web pages. Now, we now have a plethora of various languages, frameworks, and content material control methods to make a choice from which have been created to cater to each and every possible area of interest.

That’s the place Astro is available in, some of the newest cool youngsters at the JavaScript framework block.

Created via Fred Ok. Schott and a gaggle of different participants, Astro has temporarily turn into a favourite within the construction neighborhood. It’s an all-in-one framework that works so much like a static website generator.

On this article, we will be able to provide an explanation for why such a lot of builders like Astro and are choosing it over different answers. We’ll additionally stroll you thru tips on how to construct a markdown-based weblog the usage of the framework.

What Is Astro?

The Astro logo in black, showing "astro" in lowercase letters preceded by a stylized capital "A" with a small flame beneath it.

Astro, or Astro.js, is a well-liked static website generator conceived for individuals who need to create content-rich web pages that run temporarily and easily. Its light-weight nature, intuitive construction, and mild finding out curve make it sexy to builders of all enjoy ranges.

Regardless of its small footprint, Astro comes with robust equipment that vastly build up your website’s flexibility, saving you hours in content material and theme control. As well as, it offers builders the choice of running with their most popular frameworks along side Astro — an interesting prospect for seasoned coders who have already got a number of favorites.

Listed here are simply a number of the tactics Astro sticks out from the group:

  • Island structure: Astro extracts your consumer interface (UI) into smaller, remoted elements referred to as “Astro Islands” that can be utilized on any web page. Unused JavaScript is changed with light-weight HTML.
  • 0 JavaScript (via default): Whilst you’ll be able to use all of the JavaScript you need to create your web pages, Astro will try to deploy 0 JavaScript to manufacturing via transcribing your code for you. This an ideal means in case your center of attention is on website velocity.
  • SSG and SSR incorporated: Astro began as a static website generator, however alongside the best way, it become a framework that makes use of each static website era (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR). And you’ll be able to pick out which pages will use which means.
  • Framework-agnostic: When the usage of Astro, you’ll be able to use any JavaScript framework you prefer — even more than one frameworks directly. (We’ll talk about this in better element later on this article.)

What’s extra, Astro is edge-ready, which means it may be deployed anyplace, anytime, conveniently.

Able to be informed extra? Then let’s dig deeper into how Astro works.

Astro’s Construction

Earlier than we challenge any more, it’s essential to know the way Astro is about up so you’ll be able to use it successfully. Let’s check out Astro’s core dossier construction:

├── dist/
├── src/
│   ├── elements/
│   ├── layouts/
│   └── pages/
│       └── index.astro
├── public/
└── package deal.json

As you’ll be able to see, the construction itself is moderately easy. On the other hand, there are some key issues you will have to keep in mind:

  • Maximum of our venture lives within the src folder. You’ll be able to prepare your elements, layouts, and pages into subfolders. It’s possible you’ll upload further folders to make your venture more uncomplicated to navigate.
  • The public folder is for all of the recordsdata that are living outdoor of the construct procedure, similar to fonts, photographs, or a robots.txt dossier.
  • The dist folder will comprise all of the content material you need to deploy to your manufacturing server.

Subsequent, let’s dive deeper into Astro’s major constituents: elements, layouts, and pages.


Elements are reusable chunks of code that may be incorporated everywhere your web page, very similar to shortcodes in WordPress. Via default, they’ve the dossier extension .astro, however you’ll be able to additionally use non-Astro elements constructed with Vue, React, Preact, or Svelte.

The next is an instance of what a easy part seems like — on this case, a classed div tag containing an h2:

Hi, Kinsta!

And right here’s how we will incorporate that part into our website:

import KinstaComponent from ../elements/Kinsta.astro

As demonstrated above, you first need to import the part. Simplest then can it’s incorporated at the web page.

Now it’s time so as to add some homes to our part. Let’s get started with a {identify} belongings:

const { identify = 'Hi' } = Astro.props


And right here’s how our belongings can be applied:

import KinstaComponent from ../elements/Kinsta.astro

Easy, proper?

As you’ve almost definitely already discovered, the true energy of Astro’s elements is of their international and reusable nature. They allow you to make sweeping adjustments to all your website via enhancing just a few traces of code, which is able to prevent numerous hours that might in a different way be spent on tedious, painstaking textual content replacements.


Now, let’s speak about layouts. Along with their acquainted thematic serve as, layouts in Astro also are reusable elements, however they’re hired as code wrappers.

Check out this case:

// src/layouts/Base.astro
const { pageTitle = 'Hi global' } = Astro.props



Notice the  tag right here. The  part in Astro acts as a placeholder for precise HTML tags and content material.

Let’s see it in motion.

The code underneath presentations our  tag getting changed with our desired code, all of which is wrapped via our Base.astro format:

import Base from '../layouts/Base.astro';


Some instance textual content.

As you’ll be able to see, our  tag used to be changed via the HTML it represents, which is:

Some instance textual content.

As you’ll be able to see, layouts, like elements, help you reuse chunks of code throughout your website, simplifying the problem of updating your international content material and design.


Pages are a different form of part this is liable for routing, knowledge loading, and templating.

Astro makes use of file-based routing to generate pages, fairly than dynamic routing. No longer handiest does the file-based approach devour much less bandwidth, but it surely additionally saves you from having to import your elements manually.

Right here’s an instance of outlined routes:

src/pages/index.astro =>
src/pages/check.astro =>
src/pages/check/subpage =>

With those routes, our ensuing homepage can be rendered as follows:

    Hi International


Hi, Kinsta

However we already understand how to make use of layouts, so let’s convert this into one thing that’s globally out there:

import Base from '../layouts/Base.astro';


Hi, Kinsta

There – that’s a lot cleaner.

We’ll talk about routing in Astro in additional element later on this article, however for now, let’s transfer directly to the joys stuff: website development and customization.

Customizing and Extending Astro

It’s time to discover ways to customise your Astro website! We’re going to make use of Markdown collections, routing, symbol dealing with, and an integration with React to construct out and personalize our static website.

Markdown Collections

With model 2.0, Astro presented a a lot better option to care for Markdown content material than ahead of. Because of collections, we will make certain that all our frontmatter knowledge is incorporated and has the proper form of affiliation.

In recent years, in model 2.5, they added a chance to additionally set up JSON and YAML recordsdata as collections.

Able to get your palms grimy?

First, put all of your Markdown articles within the src/content material/collection_name folder. We’re going to create a weblog assortment for this venture, so in our demonstration, the folder can be src/content material/weblog.

Now it’s time to outline all of the required frontmatter fields in our src/content material/config.ts dossier. Our weblog will want the next:

  • identify (string)
  • tags (array)
  • publishDate (time)
  • symbol (string, non-compulsory)

That is what all of it seems like put in combination:

import { z, defineCollection } from 'astro:content material';

const blogCollection = defineCollection({ 
    schema: z.object({
        identify: z.string(),
        tags: z.array(z.string()),
        symbol: z.string().non-compulsory(),

export const collections = {
    'weblog': blogCollection,

And that is what our Markdown dossier comprises:

identify: Article about Astro
tags: [tag1, tag3]
publishDate: 2023-03-01
## Tamen risit

Lorem *markdownum flumina*, laceraret quodcumque Pachyne, **modify** enim
cadavera choro.

True, there’s not anything particular about our Markdown dossier. However there’s some hidden magic right here that may manifest if we make a typo.

Let’s say, for example, that as a substitute of typing publishDate, we by accident typed publishData. When it comes to a misspelling like this, Astro will throw an error:

weblog → frontmatter does no longer fit assortment schema.
  "publishDate" is needed.

Superb, proper? This nifty characteristic can assist us to find mistakes in terms of frontmatter in a question of seconds.

The very last thing we want to upload is a web page appearing our knowledge. Let’s create a dossier at src/web page/weblog/[slug].astro with the next code:

import Base from '../../layouts/Base.astro';
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content material';
export async serve as getStaticPaths() {
    const blogEntries = look forward to getCollection('weblog');
    go back => ({
        params: { slug: access.slug }, props: { access },
const { access } = Astro.props;
const { Content material } = look forward to access.render();



Because of getStaticPaths, Astro will create all of the static pages for each and every submit within the weblog assortment.

The one factor we’re lacking now’s an inventory of all our articles:

import Base from '../../layouts/Base.astro';

import { getCollection } from 'astro:content material';
const blogEntries = look forward to getCollection('weblog');

As you’ll be able to see, the usage of collections makes this process remarkably easy.

Now, let’s create an information sort assortment. First, we will have to open the src/content material/config.ts dossier once more and upload a brand new knowledge assortment:

import { z, defineCollection, referenece } from 'astro:content material';

const blogCollection = defineCollection({ 
	sort: 'content material',
    schema: z.object({
        identify: z.string(),
        tags: z.array(z.string()),
        symbol: z.string().non-compulsory(),
	    writer: reference('authors')

const authorsCollection = defineCollection({ 
	sort: 'knowledge',
    schema: z.object({
        fullName: z.string(),
        nation: z.string()

export const collections = {
    'weblog': blogCollection,
'authors': authorsCollection,

Except growing a brand new assortment, we additionally added the writer reference within the blogCollection.

Time to create a brand new writer. We will have to create a dossier known as maciek-palmowski.json within the content material/authors.json:

    "fullName": "Maciek Palmowski",
    "nation": "Poland"

The very last thing left is to snatch this information in our Submit. To take action, we’ll want to use getEntry:

import Base from '../../layouts/Base.astro';
import { getCollection, getEntry } from 'astro:content material';
export async serve as getStaticPaths() {
  const blogEntries = look forward to getCollection('weblog');
  go back => ({
    params: { slug: access.slug }, props: { access },
const { access } = Astro.props;
const writer = look forward to getEntry(access.knowledge.writer);
const { Content material } = look forward to access.render();


Creator: {writer.knowledge.fullName}


Astro has two other routing modes. We already discovered in regards to the first – static (file-based) routing – once we lined pages previous.

Now we’re going to shift our center of attention to dynamic routing.

The use of dynamic path parameters, you’ll be able to instruct an Astro web page dossier to automate the advent of more than one pages with the similar construction. This turns out to be useful if in case you have numerous one specific form of web page (assume writer bios, consumer profiles, documentation articles, and so forth).

For this subsequent instance, we’ll paintings on producing bio pages for our authors.

In Astro’s default static output mode, those pages are generated at construct time, which means you will have to predetermine the listing of authors that get a corresponding dossier. In dynamic mode, however, pages are generated upon request for any path that fits.

If you wish to cross a variable as your filename, upload brackets round it:

pages/weblog/[slug].astro -> weblog/check, weblog/about-me 

Let’s dive deeper into this the usage of the code from our src/web page/weblog/[slug] dossier:

import Base from '../../layouts/Base.astro';
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content material';
export async serve as getStaticPaths() {
    const blogEntries = look forward to getCollection('weblog');
    go back => ({
        params: { slug: access.slug }, props: { access },
const { access } = Astro.props;
const { Content material } = look forward to access.render();



The getStaticPaths path is liable for producing all of the static pages. It returns two gadgets:

  • params: Used to fill the brackets in our URLs
  • props: All of the values we’re passing to the web page

And with that, your web page era is sorted.

Symbol Dealing with

We will’t speak about performant web pages with out citing trendy symbol codecs, right kind resizing strategies, and lazy loading.

Thankfully, Astro’s were given us lined right here, too. Because of the @astrojs/symbol package deal, we will introduce all of the above in a question of mins.

After putting in the package deal, we achieve get entry to to 2 elements: Symbol and Image.

The Symbol part is used to create an optimized  tag. Right here’s an instance:

import { Symbol } from '@astrojs/symbol/elements';
import heroImage from '../property/hero.png';

descriptive text
descriptive text
descriptive text

In a similar fashion, the Image part creates an optimized  part:

import { Image } from '@astrojs/symbol/elements';
import hero from '../property/hero.png';


Via default, Astro runs as a static website generator. Because of this all of the content material is transformed to static HTML pages.

Whilst it is a absolute best means from many views (particularly speed-related), we may now and again choose a extra dynamic means. If you need a separate profile web page for each and every consumer, as an example, or in case you have 1000’s of articles to your website, re-rendering the whole lot each and every time can be some distance too time-consuming.

Thankfully, Astro may also paintings as a completely server-side-rendered framework as a substitute or in a hybrid mode between the 2.

To allow side-wide SSR, we want to upload the next code to astro.config.mjs:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';

export default defineConfig({
    output: 'server'

That is the usual means.

The hybrid means implies that via default, the whole lot is dynamically generated, except the pages with export const prerender = true added.

With Astro 2.5, there may be the chance to set static rendering as default and choose dynamic routes manually.

Thank you to these, we will, as an example, create a completely statically generated web page with dynamic login and profile pages. Neat, proper?

You’ll be able to learn extra about this within the legit documentation.

Integrating Different JavaScript Frameworks

Every other superb characteristic of Astro lets you convey alongside your favourite framework and use it in live performance with Astro. You’ll be able to combine Astro with React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, Forged, or Alpine (for all integrations, see Astro’s “Upload Integrations” documentation).

Let’s say we need to use React. First, we want to set up the mixing via operating the next in npm:

npx astro upload react

Now that React has been built-in, we will create a React part. In our case, it is going to be the counter part at src/elements/ReactCounter.tsx:

import { useState } from 'react';

/** A counter written with React */
export serve as Counter({ youngsters }) {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
    const upload = () => setCount((i) => i + 1);
    const subtract = () => setCount((i) => i - 1);

    go back (



Remaining however no longer least, we want to position the counter on our web page with the next code:

import * as react from '../elements/ReactCounter';

And voilà: Your React part has been built-in seamlessly into your website.

How To Deploy Astro The use of Kinsta

Now it’s time to get our Astro website onto the internet. Thankfully, Kinsta is the absolute best host for a fast and painless deployment.

Get started via making a GitHub repository to your website’s recordsdata. In the event you’re no longer waiting to make use of your individual recordsdata, you’ll be able to clone this Astro starter website template our staff created.

A portion of the GitHub repo for Kinsta's Astro starter site, showing an image of the white Astro
GitHub repo of Astro starter website template via Kinsta

As soon as your repo is waiting, log in to MyKinsta, choose Packages on the left, after which select Utility from the pink Upload provider dropdown.

he MyKinsta dashboard opened to the "Applications" section, which shows a purple "Add service" dropdown with two options: "Application" and "Database".
Upload an utility in MyKinsta

The general step comes to you supplying Kinsta with the main points of your construct and deployment.

Maximum of what you’ll be requested, similar to Procedure title and Fee approach, may have evident or easy solutions. Notice that you can depart the Get started command area empty if you select; Kinsta will mechanically assign npm get started because the command.

In the event you’re undecided how to answer every other advised, confer with Kinsta’s documentation for field-specific steerage and Astro deployment examples. You’ll be able to additionally take a look at Astro’s personal information to deploying at Kinsta.

Whenever you’ve completed getting into your construct’s main points, click on the Ascertain fee approach button to initialize your construct.

And that’s it! You currently have a are living, totally functioning static website created with the Astro framework.

A dark page with the Kinsta logo in white in the center above the words "Welcome to Your New Astro Site", followed by two rows of cards with labels "Official Astro Website", "Astro Documentation", "Download Starter", and "Kinsta GitHub".
Our are living Astro homepage

You’ll be able to to find your are living URL and different deployment main points underneath Deployments to your MyKinsta account.

The "Deployments" screen of MyKinsta showing the details and history of our Astro site deployment.
A a hit Astro deployment


Astro’s transparent construction, easy syntax, and international elements make development and operating an utility actually simple. , Its light-weight nature and twin use of static and dynamic routing dramatically build up website responsiveness, whilst its capability for cooperating with and along different JavaScript frameworks makes it all of the extra interesting to skilled coders.

In case your function is to create a content-rich website that lots temporarily, grants modular capability, and gives each static and dynamic era, then Astro may well be the proper selection for you.

You’ll be able to host your static web page with Kinsta’s Utility Website hosting without spending a dime, and when you adore it, improve to our Pastime Tier plan.

What are your ideas at the Astro static website generator? Have you ever used it on a venture of your individual? Tell us within the feedback segment underneath.

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